What an unpleasant surprise it can be for parents to lie to their children. He seems to be a good and well-mannered kid, suddenly his mother discovered that he was deceiving her. Of course, all adults do not understand how to behave in such a situation. But psychologists say that it's not worth dramatizing. Quite often, childish deception is not what parents primarily think about: it's on purpose. But first of all, it is necessary to understand what is happening and find out why the kid lied.
We didn't understand each other
Adults lie in order to avoid trouble or to take advantage of the current situation. Young children don't know how to calculate self-interest. Therefore, it is quite possible that the child did not understand what the mother was asking and therefore, on a hunch, answered what he answered. For example, when asking a three-year-old child who had to do hygiene procedures before going to bed about whether he brushed his teeth or not, the mother hears a firm statement in response. But it turns out that the kid cheated. No, he was just busy with his own business and did not hear the question, and answered what first came to his little head, without thinking much about the answer. So it turns out that the baby just confused "yes" and "no". What can you do in such a situation?
First of all, you should not shout and punish the child because it seemed to the mother that he was lying.
It is necessary to focus the attention of the crumbs on exactly the question that was raised; it is better to divide it into parts for a better understanding by the baby.
Well, I was a little bit fantasizing!
Starting from the age of three, children come up with different names, imaginary friends, and all kinds of tall tales. Some kids are so immersed in the image that it is no longer possible to understand it here or in their own world. So, little girls and boys call themselves mice, kittens, and today both funky and lunky, not because they lie, but because at this age, the part of the brain responsible for imagination begins to work very strongly in children. Is that a lie? Well, I wrote a little bit. In this situation, you should calmly explain to the baby:
There are fantasies, and there is deception.
Not everyone likes cheating.
Many people think that he (the baby) is deliberately deceiving to annoy adults.
It is better to start stories with the words: "I would like to tell ...".
Of course, children grow up — fantasies change. Often, children's fairy tales turn into real lies. But this is the "sin" of children who attend school. Unfortunately, children start cheating for the same reasons as adults — to avoid punishment. But this is not surprising. Children tend to be bullies, and they don't always want to be responsible for what they've done. So you have to lie. But this lie is harmless if the parents explain to the child the difference between good deeds and bad ones. To do this, dads and moms should always be on the lookout, otherwise more serious problems may arise that will be difficult to solve. Best porn site
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